coalition member assessment Tool

Coalition Member Assessment

Tom Wolff and Gillian Kaye
Adapted from earlier satisfaction surveys by Gillian Kaye and Steve Fawcett

For each item please circle, the number that best shows your agreement with the statement about that aspect of the coalition
         Strongly Agree             Strongly Disagree
          1            2            3            4             5                                                       

Vision, –Planning, Implementation, Progress

1. The coalition has a clear vision and mission

2. There is consistent follow through on coalition activities

3. The coalition utilizes activities that are effective in helping the coalition reach its goals

4. The coalition has developed targeted action planning for community and systems change

5. The coalition effectively reconciles difference among members

6. The coalition engages in collaborative problem solving of jointly shared problems, resulting in innovative solutions

7. The coalition expands available resources by having partners bring resources to the table or identify others with resources

Leadership and Membership

8. The coalition develops and supports leadership

9. There are opportunities for coalition members to take leadership roles and members are willing to take them

10. Leadership responsibilities are shared in the coalition

11. The coalition creates greater ownership by partners in joint ventures and projects

12 The coalition has broad and appropriate membership for the issue it is addressing

13 The coalition membership is diverse
14 Members display commitment and take on tasks


15. The coalition has regular meeting cycles that members can expect

16. The coalition has active workgroups and committees

17. Members get agendas for the meetings prior to the meeting and minutes afterwards

18. The work of the meeting, as outlined in the agenda, gets accomplished

19 The coalition has a viable organization structure that functions competently


20. Communication among members of the coalition is effective

21. Communication between the coalition and the broader renal community is effective

22. Coalition members are listened to and heard 


23. Information gets exchanged at coalition meeting

24. The coalition develops new materials and new programs

25. The coalition advocates for change

26. New and more perspectives are shared on issues

27. Outcomes are more comprehensive than those achieved without a coalition 


What changes occurred because of the coalition that otherwise would not have occurred?

28. The coalition has been able to achieve its goals and create concrete outcomes

29. The coalition is serving as a catalyst for positive change related to renal disease

30. The coalition creates community changes as seen in changes in programs, polices and practices that enhance patient outcomes
Definitions: (Programs can be new or modified interventions, new protocols, and new products such as educational materials, marketing/branding materials, and new presentations. Policies can include: facility/agency policies, state policies, federal policies, institutional/agency policies. Consider practice changes at facilities as well as other institutions and organizations; practice changes by various practitioners (including PCP’s, nursing/social work staff, facility administrators), by government, by patients)

30. The coalition has effected changes in programs, policies and practices in many sectors and systems in the renal community

What specific changes in programs, policies and practices have you seen that were created by the work of this coalition?

31. The outcomes created are the ones that matter

33. After each activity or project the leadership of the committee evaluates how it went in order to learn from experience


34. Old/existing partnerships have been enhanced as a result of the coalition

35. We have built new relationships with new partners as result of the coalition

36. Members of the real community now know more about each other's resources as result of the coalition

Systems Outcomes

37. As a result of the coalition’s formation, systems changes have happened including changes in relationships in the Renal Community and the capacity of the ESRD Network and the Renal Community to address emerging issues.

38. We have seen positive changes in the renal community as a result of the coalition: partners are more collaborative, and more cooperative

39. The coalition helped the renal community to access more resources than the ESRD Networks have in order to reach their goals.

40. The ESRD Network is more visible as a result of the coalition

41. The coalition has created positive changes in the ESRD Network and its role in the Renal Community

Overall rating

42. The renal community and renal patients are better off today because of this coalition

43. I have benefited from participation in the coalition through:
a. Building relationships with other coalition members
b. Exchanging information with others - networking
c. Working with others on issues of importance
d. Being part of a process that brings about meaningful change

44 My agency has benefited from its participation in the coalition through:
a. Modified programs
b. Developing new programs
c. Gaining access to new/more resources
d. Creating solutions collaboratively with other coalition partners

What changes happened in your own organization as a result of the coalition that would not otherwise have occurred?

What happened that surprised you that you did not plan for as an outcome?

As a result of the coalition work, what are the three most significant things you’ve learned