Contents of Fall 2006 Collaborative Solutions Newsletter:
In this issue:
Taking Action: Addressing issues of social change and power based
on a common vision.
Taking Action: Addressing issues of social change and power based
on a common vision.
People undertake collaborative solutions in order to create community
change. That is the core premise, the whole idea. In order to move beyond
exchange of information and exchange of ideas, efforts at collaborative
solution must ultimately move toward actions that result in community
The specific community changes can vary in scope and ambition. Some collaborative
solutions aim to improve overall quality of life for a whole community. Others
focus on a community’s economic viability; or promote smart growth and
the containment of sprawl; or intend to prevent substance abuse, tobacco usage,
and violence; or plan to reduce the incidence of asthma. Changes can be targeted
at the organizational, systems, or community level.
A number of years ago, we organized a New England - wide conference on various
approaches to promoting healthy communities. We brought together many groups,
each of which gathered people from the various sectors of its community to work
collaboratively to create community change. The diversity among the groups was
amazing. People were working on safe communities, smart-growth communities, sustainable
communities, restorative justice communities, community organizing and development,
healthy communities, and more. The collaborative solutions approach has many,
very broad applications.
Collaborative solutions do not come about automatically. They don’t happen
just because you get the right people around a table talking respectfully with
each other. In fact, even meetings that look good on the surface may only produce
hot air.
Community change requires conscious and targeted group action. The following
story tells about a collaborative that did create significant change.
Community Story- Transportation on Cape Cod
In the 1990s,
Provincetown had one of the highest rates of HIV infection in Massachusetts.
In order to get adequate care, however, people with HIV or AIDS had to
travel to Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, a three-hour drive from Provincetown.
For those without a car or who were unable to drive, the only mode of
transportation was the bus and this required them to patch together a
combination of public and private services. The public bus left Provincetown
every morning. When it arrived in Hyannis, the people headed for Beth
Israel had to change to a the private Boston connector. Unfortunately,
that Boston bus usually pulled out on schedule—fifteen minutes
before the Provincetown bus arrived. Even after they arrived in Boston,
patients still had to make their way across the city to Beth Israel.
This was ridiculous.
The Lower Outer Cape Community Coalition, an organization committed to
collaborative solutions, took on the work of enhancing the area’s transportation
alternatives. This particular transportation issue arose at a Coalition Transportation
Task Force meeting. The coalition called for action. The private and public
bus providers agreed to talk and see if they could find a common solution to
the problems caused by their uncoordinated schedules. Within a few weeks, the
bus schedules had been modified and the Provincetown bus arrived in time for
riders to catch the connector to Boston. But even more changes occurred soon
after. A few weeks later, the director of the company that managed the private
bus to Boston took a ride to see what patients faced when they arrived in Boston.
He was so impressed by the arduousness of the trek across Boston by foot and
bus that he decided to have his buses stop directly at Beth Israel.
These simple,
no-cost collaborative solutions eluded everyone involved until a conscious
process of coalition-building brought together a group of community members
who first addressed the issue and then pushed for change..
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Creating a common vision
A key assumption
in any effort to bring about community change is that the people who
are working together have a common vision. This common vision needs to
be created by the members of the group together. Too often we see situations
where a small group of people have written a grant and created a vision
that they then invite others to join. Ownership of the idea and process
is a critical piece of successful collaborative-solution efforts. It
is enormously important that all those involved be part of the process
of creating the vision. In fact, it is helpful to revisit your group’s
vision at least once a year to make sure it's still where you want to
go, as well as to allow all those who have joined you since the past
review to be a part of that ownership process.
Our work with communities
often involves simple exercises in which a group looks ahead two to five years,
dreaming of what they would like to see happen in that time..
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Tool: Creating a Common Vision
Instructions: Think about the scenario below and discuss it with your
partners. Record your answer on newsprint or a regular-sized worksheet.
It is two years from now and a local newspaper has decided to do a
feature story on your coalition. The story will focus on the changes
and accomplishments that have occurred through the coalition’s
efforts over the past two years. The reporters have interviewed you
and many other community and coalition members about the history of
the coalition, problems and issues in the community, how residents
came together, and the changes the community has undergone. The article
will focus equally on the accomplishments and on the changes in the
way the coalition functions and is structured.
What does the article say?
Think about:
- Any changes that have taken place in the community
- Any new programs
or services that have been created
- Who is active and involved and
working with the coalition now and in what ways they are working
- Any
changes in the structure, communication systems, and functioning
of the coalition
As a group, do the following:
- Write a headline for the article
- Note the priorities that emerge
for the next two years
- Be prepared to report to the whole group
Remember: This is your VISION of what could happen if the
coalition were organized and working together for common goals and
changes. Be daring!
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Community action to create community change
Once a
collaborative-solutions effort has a commitment to community change and
a common vision, it is time to move into community action. In this context,
community action means activities undertaken through the
collaborative that are aimed at making community changes that the group
has identified. This may sound simplistic. However, we have seen
many coalitions and partnerships that are quite busy . . . developing
reports, creating planning products, and forming subcommittees to study
issues. If you look closely, you will notice that they never step out
into the community to actually create change. Marian Wright Edelman,
of the Children's Defense Fund, has said that in the beginning of a coalition
you get the talkers and later you get the actors, and that she is interested
in the actors. I think all of us would agree that we, too, want those
actors to be part of our collaborative solutions.
Creating an action plan
Groups find it helpful at this point to create a strategic plan to clarify
where they are headed. Greg Meissen and the Self Help Network (2005)
have labeled this a Road Map. Many people call it a logic model or
theory of change. Whatever the name, this process outlines how you
will get from where you are to your goal.
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Tool: Passport to the Future
I. Who are you (as a program)?
II. What needs are you addressing? How do you know they are
III. Where do you want to get to? (What are your goals and anticipated
- What is the ultimate goal, or the end you have in mind?
- What immediate
and intermediate changes do you expect?
- What resources do you need?
IV. How are you getting there?
A. What are you doing now? (What
are your activities?)
- What is your plan?
- What are the activities
of your program/organization? Of your coalition?
- What does your
program look like?
B. How will your activities lead to your expected outcomes?
- Why will doing your planned activities get you to your
V. How will you know if you are on the right
road/path and getting to the right destination? (How will you evaluate?)
- How will you know when you reach your goal? What will it look
- What will happen when you do get there?
Adapted from material developed by The Self Help Network, Wichita
State University
I think all professionals would think before using the term “logic
model” if they could see the grimaces on the faces of community
folks when they hear these words. Too many communities have been tortured
with poorly implemented logic models. Logic models are an example of
trying to help communities engage in strategic planning and then using
complex and unfriendly mechanisms and language so the net result is community
pain. The basic steps in a logic model are excellent. Our ongoing challenge
is to address all these issues with community-friendly tools.
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Changes in programs, policies, and practices
What kind
of community changes are we talking about? Fawcett and his colleagues
(1995, Community Tool Box, have developed a framework
and a comprehensive documentation system for collaborative solutions.
They define intermediate outcomes as changes in programs, policies, and
practices. When this was first presented to me more than fifteen years
ago, I balked at what seemed like such a narrow set of definitions. Since
then I have come to realize that changes in programs, policies, and practices
indeed represent the first level of changes that occur in a community
on the way to creating its ultimate vision.
Take the example of working to reduce smoking in a community. We look
to implement the policy changes, in terms of smoke-free
workplaces, restaurants, and public buildings. We create smoking cessation programs and
prevention curricula in schools. We change the community practice of
smoking, so that it becomes an unacceptable activity in all spaces, including
the home.
the ultimate measures that we look at to determine success may be the
numbers of young people who smoke and the rate of lung cancer, the intermediate
measurable outcomes of the coalition's efforts are found in changes in
programs, policies, and practices. This conceptual framework allows communities
to document their progress.
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Key factors for coalitions in successfully creating community
It is helpful to see what research has identified as
the key factors that allow a collaborative to move successfully toward
the creation of community change. Roussus and Fawcett (2000) reviewed
a wide range of research studies on coalitions and found that the following
variables affect a coalition’s capacity to create change:
- Having a clear vision and mission
- Action planning for community and systems change
- Developing and supporting leadership
- Documentation and ongoing feedback on programs
- Technical assistance and support
- Securing financial resources for the work
- Making outcomes matter
Other research (Kaftarian,1994) has added another variable:
- The capacity to address conflict
A worksheet at the end of this Collaborative Solutions Newsletter allows
you to assess your community effort in relation to each of these key
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Coalitions as catalysts
A unique role for coalitions,
partnerships, and others who use collaborative solutions is that of catalyst.
In order to be a catalyst, a group must be able to step back from day-to-day
activities and look at the big picture. From this broad view, the group
gains the ability to identify emerging issues; gathers the strength to
bring people together so they can create clear visions, solutions, and
new directions; and remains available to serve these catalytic functions.
Most groups that engage in collaborative solutions begin as catalysts
for change. Unfortunately, they often become engaged in running programs
and lose track of their role as catalysts. To maintain the catalyst function,
they need to continue to provide a convening place for community conversations,
to always engage new partners in the effort, and to perpetually scan
the environment for emerging strengths and issues.
The core catalytic functions that should never be abandoned in collaborative
solutions are these:
- Acts as a catalyst for change
- Gathers/convenes people
- Supports collaborative problem-solving
- Provides new program development and coordination
- Monitors collaborative activities
In our next Collaborative Solutions
Newsletter, we will discuss the role of power in creating social change
through collaborative solutions.
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Community Story: The Lower Outer Cape Community Coalition
years after we had started the first coalition in the North Quabbin area
of Massachusetts, a state representative from Cape Cod asked us to help
him create a similar coalition in his area, where poverty and need were
obscured by the seasonal wealth of this vacation playground. Today, almost
twenty years later, the Lower Outer Cape Community Coalition (Hathaway,
2001) covers an eight-town area with 45,000 people, with a mission to
improve the quality of life for those who live in the area.
The coalition has developed a very specific process that its task forces
follow when they identify issues. They take the following steps:
- Identify
- Define the problem,
- Investigate options,
- Design a response,
- Secure resources,
- Implement a plan,
- Evaluate and adapt,
- And, finally, spin off the project to another
The last step makes this coalition’s efforts different. The
Lower Outer Cape Community Coalition has always seen itself as a catalyst
for community change. Although the group has created numerous programs,
those efforts are always spun off to other community groups, who ultimately
own and manage the solutions.
Over a fifteen-year
period, this healthy-community coalition has created the Interfaith Council
for the Homeless (a program for homelessness prevention); The Cape Cod Children’s
Place (a child-care center); Healthy Connections (a health-access program);
the Lower Outer Cape Community Development Corporation (an economic
development agency); and the Ellen Jones Community Dental Center. Annually,
these programs generate $2.4 million and provide 33 jobs.
The Cape
Coalition describes itself with the metaphor of a tree. Its roots run deep
into the community. The coalition staff’s coordination and gathering
functions form the trunk. The task forces that produce the concrete
results are the branches.
All the branches remain connected to the tree.
For example,
even after The Children’s Place was created and spun
off, its director stays on the coalition’s steering committee
so that child-care concerns can be integrated with all future issues
that the coalition addresses. Because of this, the broad range of prerequisites
outlined in the Ottawa Charter (peace, shelter, food, income, a stable
ecosystem, sustainable resources, social justice, and equity) are all
dealt with under the same roof. This coalition illustrates the principle
of taking action to create community change and it has found a way
to sustain and magnify its actions.
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- Community Tool Box
- Fawcett,S.,Sterling,T.
Paine Andrews,A, Harris,K, Francisco,V. Richter,K, Lewis,R, Schmid
T (1995) Evaluating
community efforts to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Atlanta
GA Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for
Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
- Hathaway, BL Growing a Healthy Community: A practical guide. American Journal of Community
Psychology , 2001, 29, 199-204.
- Kaftarian, S., Hansen, W., Eds. (1994). Community partnership
program center for substance
abuse prevention. Journal of Community Psychology, SCAP special issue,
- Meissen G.(2005) Road Map. Self Help Network, Wichita,
- Roussus, S. & Fawcett, S. (2000). A review of collaborative partnerships
as a strategy for improving
community health. Annual Review of Public Health, 21:369 – 402.
Summary (for full text
click here)
crises of Hurricane Katrina for New Orleans, and much of the Gulf caused
many of us to think about how we might be of help. On one
level it was a personal question, how can I help with my time and resources? From
the viewpoint of a practicing community psychologist I asked, what have
we learned in community psychology over the last 40 years that can be
of help to whole communities in such crisis situations? Having created
a field called community psychology, then surely we must have something
to contribute to such a massive community rebuilding challenge. So
that is the focus of today's conversation - what does psychology and
specifically community psychology have to offer to the process of rebuilding
of whole communities?
The paper
articulates the six crucial components necessary to create collaborative
solutions and illustrates each with stories from my work. The six principles
- Engage a broad spectrum of the community,
especially those most directly
affected, celebrating racial and cultural diversity.
- Encourage
true collaboration as the form of exchange.
- Practice
democracy, and promote active citizen engagement and empowerment.
- Employ an ecological approach that emphasizes the individual
in her/his setting, and builds on community strengths and assets.
- Take action by addressing issues of social change and power
based on a common
- Align
the goals with the process.
Full text of the address is available under “Tools and Resources” at
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